None, but then again I'm a disabled single guy who's on food stamps. But that's besides the point. I would if I was in a position to be able to, but I'm not.
And anyway, orphans don't occur (just) from births of unwanted children. My mom and her brothers and sister ended up orphans due to a series of deaths in the family.
Maybe a woman shouldn't have have unprotected sex with men they don't give a shit about if they didn't want to "ruin their lives". Actions have consequences. A fraction of one percent of abortions are a result of rape. Mostly it's sluts who won't say no to the first douche bag they come across. It's mostly loose women (and men, to give fair blame). But like I said, men don't get pregnant. The burden is truly on the woman not to get pregnant no matter how much you want to say otherwise. If you want to say it's a "woman's choice" to have an abortion, the burden should be on HER not to NEED ONE in the first place. TO say otherwise is anti-woman in fact. Up until the point of abortion, you act like she's helpless and it's all the big bad man's fault. "Boohoo, the poor weaker sex couldn't help herself, it's the MAN'S fault!" Sorry, they doesn't fly. You can't have it both ways without being a hypocrite.
No, I'm not against birth control. "Prevention is the best medicine", as the old saying goes.
I wasn't talking about woman specifically with that statement, so no. I'm not. Throwing that word around when it doesn't apply is similar to calling someone "fascist".
Men AND woman can be sluts. I have equal disdain for both sexes when it comes to stupid behavior. But that still doesn't excuse the woman from being the one who's ultimately responsible for allowing herself to get pregnant.
You claim to support "women's reproductive rights" but you seem to only think she's intelligent enough to make the right choice when it comes to abortions, not about sexual health/birth prevention. If anything, YOU are the misogynist. You think women are weak and stupid until they need an abortion, then you think they are suddenly brilliant.
Last edited by Cubey; 11-17-2015 at 06:04 PM.
Like I said, don't have hetero sex if you don't want to reproduce.
Or go get "fixed" like you do to your cat or dog when you don't want them popping out young'ins every time you turn your head. (This applies to both men and women)
My world view is fine. People are just stupid when it comes to bloody obvious things.
The easier access you make to anything, the more people will use/abuse it.
Last edited by Cubey; 11-18-2015 at 08:35 PM.
Yes, I have, though that's not really any of your business.
It makes a world of sense. Besides, if you're THAT scared of reproducing though, how can you even stand to have sex? You'd be fearful the entire damn time.
Use birth control on BOTH sides (the pill+condoms). It's 99% effective. If by a 1% chance your wife gets pregnant, maybe it's meant to be. Not everything that seems bad at first is, you know.
"If women don't want to get pregnant then they need to quit being sluts. It's not rocket science. Unprotected sex tends to cause babies. Don't be a slut having unprotected sex with people you don't care much about and you won't need an abortion. Problem solved. Yes it's partly the man's fault, BUT it's mostly on the burden of the WOMAN to protect herself because it's HER BODY AND SHE IS THE ONE AT RISK FOR PREGNANCY.
They shouldn't have it both ways: Blaming the man for having sex when SHE is the one who is at risk of pregnancy but then allowing full choice on the part of the woman when she ends up pregnant. What about father's rights? They don't exist when abortion comes into play. It's neo-fascist feminist bullshit to the extreme."
I read exactly what you said, all of it was full of anger towards women.
There's a difference between being scared of reproducing and not wanting a child for whatever reason. That doesn't mean that intimacy should be sacrificed because you have a fucked up relationship with sex. Thankfully though, your opinion doesn't really hold any sway. People are going to keep doing what they're doing. They're going to use birth control and they're gonna get abortions for pregnancies that weren't planned. That doesn't make people sluts, or irresponsible. It does make you angry that it happens, which says more about you than it does anything else.
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