Someone who drinks and someone who gets drunk are two entirely different things. Drinking doesn't automatically make them (a) drunk. If someone wants to have a drink or two.. fine, whatever. As long as they aren't DUI or whatever.. that's one thing.
But hearing drunks bragging about their behavior is what I am getting sick of. By "drunks" I mean people who exclaim how they are currently drunk, or were recently drunk. Not simply someone who just had a beer or glass of wine.
a huge percentage of the people who drink do enjoy being buzzed and they have the rights to talk about it. the thing is, if you dont like hearing people bragging about things you consider stupid, either dont touch the subject or just dont hang out in places where those people are. nobody forces you to talk to them the same way nobody forces them to come over here and argue.
as a personal note, i always love when i discuss with people who like to get drunk, because everyonce in a while there will be a kid who will actually care enough to hear the other side and maybe act before it's too late.
If you really think like that, go on, we won't hold you back! As long as you enjoy it, life's good.
I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
Z-spot Gaming community
No Ego's, no "pwnage", just gaming
I was being sarcastic
I think its very clear that i am refering to the part about you complaining about how they talk shit about people who don't share their opinion. You are clearly doing the same thing but are replying with nonsense. And you are also ignoring the other questions i asked which to me suggests you possibly can't answer them without out further highlighting how your attitude is flawed and your opions lack consistancy or are simply just not thought through at all. Maybe thats why your response is somewhat facetious but it would be more benificial to discuss it sensibly.
Others walk the bow, I walk the string
I have already answered all your questions and you may find the answers in my earlier posts. You can read so I will not repeat myself. And I do feel negative about the type of people described in the very first post. And i might have got a bit too emotional there but that's what I feel towards them. I am not doing any of those things nor am I talking trash about them the way they are. I don't go online posting offensive stuff online or whatever.
Cubey said he was sick of other people doing it and I supported his emotion. And I'm not trying to impose my point of view to anyone. What I said about "those people" was my personal opinion an nothing else. You may either agree or disagree with it. I'm not trying to prove anything here to anyone or talk somebody into adopting my own beliefs. It makes no sense to me at all. And this argument kinda makes no sense to me... what are we talking about?
Because they are the people I care about the most. Just as much as they care about me and that means we equaly influence one another. And family and close friends are more likely to hear you out and try to understand you than strangers. And they also have more rights to say whatever they want because it's the way it goes with friends and family. You share your thoughts with them, they share theirs with you.
And by the way, commenting on your earlier post about friends not sharing my opinion and views on things and how people I refer to as dirt can sometimes be my friends.... What's the point of friendship then? If a person doesn't share your views, doesn't understand you and does things that go against your beliefs, why would you call such a person a friend? Don't get it.
p.s. And I'd rather you don't rush to conclusions saying how "your attitude is flawed and your opions lack consistancy or are simply just not thought through at all."
I wasn't going to argue with anyone in the first place. And have no interest in continuing the argument unless the "I-am-smarter-than-you" guys forget how "smart" they are and get down to earth.
no you haven't answered the questions, if you think you have please point to where apart from later in this post! And yes you are talking trash.
Well we are talking about all the inconsistancy in your opinion, like i wrote. And that is what makes no sense to me. It seems like you think your personal opinion is valid but write things to suggest that others with opinions that oppose yours should not be outspoken because you disagree with them an class them as dirt in an inconsistant way. If you aren't prepared to entertain and discuss opposing opinions its a real shame and thats how you are comming off to me.
you won't learn a lot if the only people you surround yourself with and regard as friends are carbon copies of yourself, don't you agree that you can learn a lot from the ways people are different. What you are saying sounds like you are omitting that element. Its not about a friend not sharing your views, its the fact that friends won't share all your views, they can still understand you. Your grasp and scope of friendship here seem really black and white and it appears to lack much depth, tell me i'm wrong and its simply the way you are putting your views across don't give the best impression of what you actually believe.
You seem to be saying that family and friends behave in this perfect way, they don't. You shut down strangers who could become friends, thats close minded, surely thats can be erronous? Sure the people from the IRC example are not a likely source of friends but your statement seemed to shut out all strangers whose opinion differs from yours. Perhaps you should read what you wrote as its quite possible you simply haven't put forward exactly what you mean. Perhaps your statements are just a bit too sweeping?
So basically silence those you don't agree with, you don't see a problem with that? Why do you feel you have more of a right to put an opinion forward than them?
But what you have said is flawed, and there is a lack of consistancy but i didn't conclude anything. Perhaps the reason you didn't quote the whole statement is due to me saying how it "sugests" it is "possibly" due to xyz, i can only go by what you are writing and what you are writing does seem to lack consistancy etc. I'm inviting you to explain and discuss these areas but you don't have to if the smart thing is an issue.
Others walk the bow, I walk the string
The only problem here is that you refuse to accept the fact that different people have different opinions and u cannot simply live with it. I am "talking trash" here, as you say, because I feel that I can air my views on this subject here. And originally when I used the word DIRT I was not talking about people. No I read your comments and understand that you didn't read my posts where I already explained to another forum member that what i meant by saying DIRT.
I don't really care if your opinion is different from mine and I wouldn't go and try to talk about it and make you explain why you think so just because I don't share your views. I've had enough sad experience in my life watching people suffer from alcohol and making others suffer as well. I see a drunk stinky pisshead asshole on the street - I feel sad about them. If I could help them I would. If they start talking how beautiful it is to get drunk and ask me for a smoke - I get angry and it makes me wanna do something terribly evil. But I control myself and I understand that violence within sxe is whats been giving straight edge a reputation of a gang. And I don't judge people by their looks and attitude towards drugs and alcohol until I see it and experience it and till I have at least talked to that person. Then I either make friends with them or stop communicating with them. I have to repeat my self again and again because someone obviously isn't getting the point. If a person gets drunk and likes it and does it regularly and likes to brag about it - YES those people will never be my friends. Don't agree and think this is immature or erroneous - fine. Your point of view is different from mine. I respect you opinion and have no problem with that. Please keep it to yourself though.
I posted here because I felt I was free to express myself freely and speak my mind here on this forum where we're like one close family. I wouldn't do it on any other forum neither would I say something like that to a live person because it would hurt their feelings and plain insult them. What I think and what I say are different things. It doesn't mean I lie or cheat or whatever conclusion you can make based on the few words taken out of the context like you did few posts back.
And i do not believe that you never felt angry about drunk people talking about getting drunk. Man I hear that almost everyday from people I almost live side by side. How hard they partied last night and haw drunk they got and they're putting up that smile on their face like it was the best damn thing that has ever happened to them.
To clear things up - when I said dirt I was talking about alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
People that lost themselves to alcohol, tobacco and drugs and have become alcoholics and drug addicts create the "community" which actually makes such notions as straight edge a reality. If there was no evil there would be no good. I mean it would be good but nobody would know it. They may be good people and I might be able to talk to them and eventually save some of them but I'm no Jesus and most people I wouldn't even know.
When I see a drunk stinky male piece of shit walking with his little daughter hand in had I fear bout the girl cause her father's lost. When I see a young mother holding a baby in one hand and a cigarette in the other and smoking and breathing out smoke which the baby inhales and she's all looking so careless what kind of a mother is that? And THEY raise children, half of which would eventually grow in broken families of alcoholics and junkies. That IS dirt and I will say it again and again.
I am not surrounding myself with carbon copies of myself and even if I wanted to that would not be possible. I am part of the society and it is impossible to isolate myself from it and continue living my everyday life. I always learn from other people and they learn from me. And I am pretty easygoing and open minded person, but I don't need friends like that. I need friends whom I could confide in 100%. I'm not shutting others down by not considering them my friends. We're not in high school are we. You don't add 100 people to your "friends" on facebook and call them your friends. You don't meat 100 people at your neighbors' housewarming party and call them your friends just because you know them by name. So i do want to be sure that my friends are real friends and that they would be there for me when i needed them the most and not be lying drunk choking on their own vomit. "Yeah you're a good guy and we have a lot of fun but when I needed your help you were so drunk you couldn't talk when I called you last night and I really needed your help and you weren't there." i need some kind of an insurance policy. Call it whatever you want.
Damn this is tiresome.
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