but that really does not represent the culture, or does it? i've met edgers drinking coke or coffee... i don't drink for other reasons so i might be still wrong on this.. anyway, Carla, honey is definitely not vegan.. how it even could be?
but that really does not represent the culture, or does it? i've met edgers drinking coke or coffee... i don't drink for other reasons so i might be still wrong on this.. anyway, Carla, honey is definitely not vegan.. how it even could be?
Take the time. Don't be blind. You will find. An open mind. There's no need for you to tell me what I've done wrong. I can, can see, all this contradiction around me. I just, just want, I want to be free. Don't question my actions. I never said that I was flawless
To me honey is like the vegan Caffeine, it obviously flaunts the basic principals of veganism, but some decide it's too mild a case to bother with.
At the same time, the bees that produce the honey you see in a store, were used to pollinate the fields of vegetables, grains etc of the food you eat, and make the homey as a result. Most crops are not pollinated by the bees that live in the area a great deal is done by bee keepers who bring their bees to a farm to do the job. So even if you eat just what grows out of the ground, farmed bees had a hand in it.
Isnt there caffine in Chocolate too?
i think personally its a grey area
I only abstain from Alchohol, Tobbacco, Illigal/abused Drugs and sleeping about
well i guess i also abstain from going out too
but that has nothing to do with being edge really
There is a negligable of caffeine in chocolate. The way i see it is its not really that grey if you do it in accordance with some logical reasoning. Like avoiding the use of any recreational drug is sound reasoning but avoiding that drug when it occurs in such small amounts that it will have no effect is not so sound and just makes it a burden with ne real reason. So with that in mind i would omit the idea of steering clear of the minimal caffeine found in chocolate just as i would not be that fussed over the tiny amount found in decaf products or the miniscule amount of alcohol found in soy sauce (perhaps this would make alcohol a grey area for you?). However, sodas with added caffeine have enough do cause a physical effect, as does coffee and tea and most of all energy drinks. I see no logical reason to partake in these, there are multiple alternatives that don't require me to dose my body with a stimulant that is addictive and messes with your central nervous system among other things. For me a sensible and logical stance would be to avoid caffeine in amounts that effect the body/mind if you are against the recreational use of drugs, otherwise i struggle to see how the stance is being consistant with the actions.
Others walk the bow, I walk the string
^this. I don't agree with people eating honey, but again, it's an deabatable issue.
On the chocolate, when I was "hardcore" about being sxe, I wouldn't eat chocolate to avoid any caffeine and any tea would be herbal. However, my diet is already so limited, so I've eat chocolate on special occassions. :D
We're quite the healthy people.
I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
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Take the time. Don't be blind. You will find. An open mind. There's no need for you to tell me what I've done wrong. I can, can see, all this contradiction around me. I just, just want, I want to be free. Don't question my actions. I never said that I was flawless
Does make sense :)
I avoid alchohol completely though even food thats cooked in it
I hate alchohol
I wouldnt even have medical treatment if alchohol was necessary
Due to my father being a alchoholic and a drug dealer
i generally have a massive Hatered towards abused substances
so basicly if its abused i dont want it in my body even as medical
its just my own personal hate for it
other people using medical drugs doesnt bother me
plus I dont really hold much Value for my own life
Misanthropy does that to people though lol
I'm sorry to hear that but its not a great reason to deny yourself medicine and potentially screw yourself up...i mean haven't you seen the effect someone screwing themselves up has on others? Your father being a prime example...why would you want to deny yourself medical help if needed if it serves only to make negative ramifications?
Being treated medicinally is not substance abuse...its the complete opposite, its using a substance to aid and help keep healthy.
see above. You need to see the line between drugs being abused and drugs being used positively.
Your own personal hate is what i am questioning.
Not really sure how that is funny? I value my life quite highly and also have a healthy amount of misanthropy...the two can coincide quite naturally so i strongly contest that as any kind of logical reasoning as to why you would omit medicine. If you do feel your life has little to no value i can assure you it can easily have value and more than likely already does. You should invest some time and energy into yourself.
Others walk the bow, I walk the string
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