Originally Posted by
Well those do seem like a bunch of nagative character traits to me, perhaps you could explain why they aren't bad?
All well and good you wanting change to be your choice but you don't seem to base your choices on anything cohesive. The point is you are saying that even if a drug that can be abused could save your life you would not take it, that takes your reasoning to the level of idiocy as i have said.
So you have had depression, eating disorders etc. you plan to avoid illness by spending a lot of time at home isn't really very fruitful it seems. Anyway, whats your point here? that you can list a drug you don't feel helped you? I would agree that anti depressants are not also a good choice but it doesn't negate the benificial properties that certain opiods can offer. You remain purposefully ignorant to these and no matter what unrelated story you bring up your logic remains idiotic and you remain ignorant.