Well the fact is you would be the first human like this, completely unique and quite extraordinary. You clearly have very little understanding of how things actually work if you think that you constantly control your breathing by your concious mind and if you think that you never have it out of your mind the whole time you are awake. You can't prove it on here, you can't prove it in person, its simply completely untrue. I really think you have no idea what you are talking about...so perhaps you shouldn't talk about it until you do, when you do get an idea you can start the discussion again. Until then i think you made a good choice to stop partaking in this conversation.
Others walk the bow, I walk the string
You said that you are aware of it concsiously every second you are awake, thats purely wrong and shows you are unaware of what you are talking about. There will be many seconds, minutes possibly even hours where your concious mind is paying no attention whatsoever to your breathing. Nest you will be telling me you are aware of every time you blink conscilously...you just talk crap.
Others walk the bow, I walk the string
Its pointless because you are talking crap. You could prove that this was as common a thing as you suggest by pointing to others who have this condition of being constantly aware and in concious control of breathing the whole time you are awake. It just simply isn't the truth, if you try to research it you will see that, if it were true you would research it and be able to point me to some evidence or something. I think the issue here is you simply don't really comprehend what is being spoken of when we talk about the concious mind and the sub concious mind. Perhaps you should look into that so you can better understand the simple fact that the amount of time you spend actually conciously being aware of your breathing is hugely minimal and light years away from the amount of time you were suggesting.
I think you not only have a problem in thinking about things you say and with looking into something and researching it, i think you also have a problem with accepting when you are wrong.
Others walk the bow, I walk the string
dude probably thinks everytime he's gonna blink
I prefer strip poker. Though in my experience, you can uncover far more sinister things playing that,than doing the oujia board !
Straightedge before you were born !!!
i read some things like that too, i wouldnt like to mess around with something like that. I have played the ouija board a few times in the past and had some rather freaky experiences myself. the thought of something using my emotions and manipulating me using my relitives and friends that have passed away makes me feel unconfortable.
I had never heard it being used before as a way to tap into your subconcious mind, that sounds interestesting but again as much as id like to connect with my subconcious i wouldnt like to risk speaking to something nasty 'pretending' to be from myself lol
p.s. go fish is an AWESOME game lol
because ive done it myself and had experiences before. Yes maybe it was coincidence or other things that can give an explination to what ive experienced but i believe what i believe, and that is i believe in ghosts, or energy left over. People are entitled to have failth in whatever they feel is right and its no ones place to say otherwise, im sure you wouldnt like someone telling you your stupid because you dont believe in god, lucky charms, ghosts, or whatever else people have faith in, so why do you see it necessary to poke fun?
and for the record i dont believe in god or any organised religion, but i know people who do and wouldnt take the mick out of there choices.
Last edited by x.Xmiss_SmogX.x; 07-04-2010 at 06:10 PM.
Thats not really much of a basis, senses can be decieved easily and we are all very capable of tricking ourselves, particulalrly when we put ourselves in a more suseptable state. I mean there is no sustainable or quantifiable evidence and its a lot of these experiences are usually easily explained simply with a general understanding of the mind. That is my point.
See here lies the problem...you say that other things can give an explanation to these occurances, you are aware of that. You however have no real reason to believe in ghosts and your reasoning for doing so is that you believe what you believe. Sure you are entitled to believe whatever you want, no matter how ridiculous and you are free to ignore evidence that suggests otherwise.
You are entitled to say i'm stupid for not believing in things that have no solid evidence and seem quite unlikely to exist, you are entitled to call the explanations that give light as to what may actually bu occuring when people believe they are connected to the other side stupid. In fact you can call me stupid for not believing in fairies, unicorns and whatever else peoples minds can conjur up. You can call me stupid for being interested in the hows and whys of the behaviour and the psychology that surrounds why people believe something is lucky or why they believe their late relatives is contacting them. You can call me stupid for finding the whole idea of people using this kind of mind suggestion to make money out of those who are prepared to be suseptable enough to believe in the cold reading of mediums and the suggestion of tv evangalists. You can do all that and ignore the substance that actually makes laughing at it a rather silly thing to do. I don't deny anyones right to have faith in these things but just because they believe in something it doesn't and shouldn't automatically become imune from critique or opposing thought. And i was actually not poking fun as much as i was drawing a comparison between believing in ghosts and believing in god. Which, incidently, i do find ridiculous or at least very very unlikely based on the things i believe in, peoples reasoning to explain why they continue to believe is what i find stupid. So if what you believe in points to things that make the idea of not believing in those things seem stupid then go ahead and call me stupid...the things i read don't really declare people to be stupid but rather give quantifiable reasoning as to why what they are beleiving in is not as it seems and has a more logical reasoning. Denying a more plausable and mindful account of things just denies logical thinking and reasoning with utter stubborness and nothing else, nothing solid and to enforce the baseless argument people often act like the faith should not be questioned at all anyway like its somehow a completely unacceptable thing to do. Thats stupid.
Like i said, i was drawing a comparison between believing in god and believing in ghosts, so based on that, why don't you believe in god? If me finding it strange that you can believe in ghosts and not god and finding a similarity in the faith required to believe in one unexplainable entity to another ammounts to me taking the mick, well then my sincearest appologies for your over sensitive reaction and rather precious and delicate belief that offends so easily.
Others walk the bow, I walk the string
I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
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