The entities of the lower Astral worlds will frequently revel in
claiming to be Angels, Archangels, famous people or even
God, while others will have no hesitation at all in claiming to
be deceased people known to the Ouija board sitters, in fact
these entities will claim to be anything the Ouija board sitters
wish them to be in order to gain their confidence and by
playing on the Ego.
Because users of the Ouija
board are usually hoping for genuine and useful contacts with
inner level Spirits, they will almost always be deceived by
these lower Astral entities.
Sometimes, this can be quite harmless, and although the Ouija
board users are misled, there is no permanent harm done. There
is a very real danger, however, of making contact with lower
Astral entities with much darker and sinister motives. Such
dangers include a lower Astral entity posing as a deceased
relative. Once the lower Astral entity has been able to convince
the Ouija board sitters of its identity as a deceased relative, it
will often be very manipulative, proceeding to request or even
demand certain things to be done for them, often flattering the
Ouija board users and appealing to their Ego by saying that "I
need help, and only you have the capability to provide it".