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Thread: Those who Break Edge...

  1. #16
    Registered User xCTx's Avatar
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    For me, i consider breaking edge is when you go back to drinking, smoking, and drugs if you were ever into them in the first place. I think if someone just stops claiming edge they just stop claiming it thats it i don't consider that an edge break. And it's not exactly something to be ashamed of in my opinion but you can't jump on and off like a trampolin. I claimed at first when i was 15 but i cared what people though too much and didn't even know the TRUE meaning of Straight Edge and i was claiming for all the wrong reasons. Then i found it again at 18 and realized that is the type of life to live. Between those years i only drank a few times but was never drunk, high, and i never smoked cigarettes. To me there is a fine line between breaking edge and just choosing a different path in your life.

  2. #17
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    People do the best they can with what they have at that moment. People live, people learn. Some people don't live, some people don't learn.

    If your not moving forward because of them, your being poisoned by them.

    That shxt can be toxic.


  3. #18
    Once you claim Straight Edge that is for life. There is no coming and going, this isn't a revolving door. This mind set is what differs our lifestyle from every other fad way of living out there in the world right now. IF you break Straight Edge every now and again your just a dude or gal who drinks every now and again or whatever you do. Your not a Straight Edge dude or gal who had a mistake. If you can not handle this lifestyle then maybe you should walk away and not waste all of our time. Thinking an individual may break Edge and then return is an insult to all of us who lead this lifestyle everyday and keep it alive. If your just a poser and think this life choice is just cool at the time you are not welcome. This is how I was brought up as a young Straight Edge kid. Once Straight Edge always Straight Edge and if you sell out well don't let me see you again. That was made clear when I discovered this way of life. If you sell out youll be sorry that you ever claimed and heaven forbid you have any ink and you sold out. Thats all I have to say about that.

  4. #19
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xplan_Bx View Post
    Once you claim Straight Edge that is for life. There is no coming and going, this isn't a revolving door. This mind set is what differs our lifestyle from every other fad way of living out there in the world right now. IF you break Straight Edge every now and again your just a dude or gal who drinks every now and again or whatever you do. Your not a Straight Edge dude or gal who had a mistake. If you can not handle this lifestyle then maybe you should walk away and not waste all of our time. Thinking an individual may break Edge and then return is an insult to all of us who lead this lifestyle everyday and keep it alive. If your just a poser and think this life choice is just cool at the time you are not welcome. This is how I was brought up as a young Straight Edge kid. Once Straight Edge always Straight Edge and if you sell out well don't let me see you again. That was made clear when I discovered this way of life. If you sell out youll be sorry that you ever claimed and heaven forbid you have any ink and you sold out. Thats all I have to say about that.
    so you go around and give shit to pretty much every member of every edge band that ever existed?

  5. #20
    If that is the route they chose, then yes. I can not even believe people would accept sellouts back into the SE community. And if your SE and allow others to break SE and come back then your not SE. And you probably should not be on this website.

  6. #21
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xplan_Bx View Post
    If that is the route they chose, then yes. I can not even believe people would accept sellouts back into the SE community. And if your SE and allow others to break SE and come back then your not SE. And you probably should not be on this website.
    So who have you given shit to? Who have you confronted? I mean, there are a lot of really well known second rounders that I'm sure you've seen play live. I'm just curious to know what you've actually done since you're deciding who can and can't be edge.

  7. #22
    Furthermore: if you join this community of SE with the mind set that one day I might sellout or break edge however you wanna say it. Then you should have never became SE. Because if that thought of drinking or smoking or whatever it is you do is in your mind then your not ready to be SE. I am all for helping poeple to overcome there dependency on substances, but that person must be completly free of the thoughts or temptations to start claiming thereselves SE. Because if that thought or want is still in there system then the crutch is still there. They must walk free before they will be accepted.

  8. #23
    Im not directing anything I do not go out of my way to confront people, what they do is there buisness. And second-rounders? I dont know what SE crew or community you grew up in but second rounder? Please.

  9. #24
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xplan_Bx View Post
    Im not directing anything I do not go out of my way to confront people, what they do is there buisness. And second-rounders? I dont know what SE crew or community you grew up in but second rounder? Please.
    Then tone down the rhetoric. Either you're going to let people do their thing and it's their business or you're going to confront them. Which is it? Are you denying that second rounders exist? I grew up in DC. I've been edge for around 2 decades. I've seen people sellout. I've seen people make mistakes and then get sober. I don't see any point in taking a sanctimonious attitude and saying to that person that they're not edge because at some point in the past they decided to use. The point is sobriety and encouraging people to live drug free not rhetoric about how if you're not now you never were and if you once were you never can be again. It's bullshit and pointless.

  10. #25
    In my book second rounders do not exsit. And I do confornt people however I do not go out of my way to do it. Like I said its there buisness. They can make mistakes and get sober good for them, but your not SE. You used to be SE and you used, now your not SE. Its simple. Its not rhetoric, I am dissappointed that people claim my way of life then sell out and come back. This isnt a religion where you can go out and make all the mistakes you want and then ask for forgivness. You choose this and are SE for life. And I am not here for a pissing contest the dude asked for an opinion and I gave it and now you mant me to name people I confronted? Come on. And to answer a question from earlier if an Edge band sell out, then guess what they are just another Hardcore, Punk metal (or whatever type of music they play) band. I support SXE bands and when they stop supporting me I stop supporting them.

  11. #26
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    true til death is what makes us and our community different than everyone else. its not true til maybe friday and then im SE again. no. its a commitment. a life long commitment. thats whats wrong with a lot of people these days. we dont hold people to there word. now people are walking around and saying how loyal or how dedicated they are and then drop out. im not saying we should hunt down the no believers. but what we have to do, not just in the se world, but everyday life is hold people accountable for their actions. this goes from every thing to lying to stealing to people who go back on their word. for me, i say what i mean and there is no beating around the bush. i would like to see everyone have this same mentality and hold their selves accountable for their actions.

    the two things i hold in high regard in my life is integrity and loyalty. i am loyal to those i love and no matter who you are, i will never tell you a lie.
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  12. #27 rodrigo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xplan_Bx View Post
    In my book second rounders do not exsit. And I do confornt people however I do not go out of my way to do it. Like I said its there buisness. They can make mistakes and get sober good for them, but your not SE. You used to be SE and you used, now your not SE. Its simple. Its not rhetoric, I am dissappointed that people claim my way of life then sell out and come back. This isnt a religion where you can go out and make all the mistakes you want and then ask for forgivness. You choose this and are SE for life. And I am not here for a pissing contest the dude asked for an opinion and I gave it and now you mant me to name people I confronted? Come on. And to answer a question from earlier if an Edge band sell out, then guess what they are just another Hardcore, Punk metal (or whatever type of music they play) band. I support SXE bands and when they stop supporting me I stop supporting them.
    i guess you're gonna have to change a lot of this then

    Quote Originally Posted by xplan_Bx View Post
    Age: 26

    Bands: xAFBx, xLooking Forwardx, Bane, Have Heart, Throwdown, xBishopx, xTyrantx, Eighteen Visions, Earth Crisis and lots more

    Last record I bought: Straight Edge as Fuck Vol1 and 2(compilation)

    4 bands to play together: Youth of Today, Minor Threat, xAFBx, Earth Crisis
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  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodrigo View Post
    i guess you're gonna have to change a lot of this then
    question. which one of those bands are not straight edge anymore? honest question.
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  14. #29 rodrigo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by x_dannyb_X View Post
    question. which one of those bands are not straight edge anymore? honest question.
    i didnt really say this about bands being straight edge or not. but the "support" part
    I draw and this is my siteRodri-GO!
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  15. #30
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodrigo View Post
    i didnt really say this about bands being straight edge or not. but the "support" part
    oh. ok. damn it, thats one thing i hate about message boards, you can never fully understand what people mean. every thing gets blown out of proportion or underrepresented
    Raise your fist in the air, DRUG FREE!

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