Were part of the 10%.. For now... considering the median income of an American house hold is $50,233.00 For Ireland is $35900 and for England is $50,233.00, while for the likes of Ethiopia is $100. We don't live in a divided economic world any more, so the old capitalist ideas are highly out dated, they were after all developed in the 1700's.
a) Capitalisms effect on the world is poverty, starvation, war and disease out breaks that are easily preventable. It may work for you and your family, but what about the other billions of people you share the world with? A fair price for third world distributors and farmers so the can feed and send there children to school at the cost of not getting a new car this year? Seems pretty small price to me. This is not "left wing propaganda", its moral responsibility in an ever shrinking world.Originally Posted by mouseman004
b)how would 0% benefit? surly if the 99% have there lot bettered then that's a much larger proportion of benefits??