okOriginally Posted by xCrucialDudex
Which question?Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
Its not just about what you want or what you are interested in, its what i wish to put forward also. the name of the martial art is rather unimportant.Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
why?Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
You have to remember you have only just become specific in the fact that you only wanted a name of a style.Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
Again you seem to forget that you have only just asked that and previously you asked questions that needed clarity and questioning due to their dubious angle.Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
Yeah but you know how to ask that as a specific question so using the language card doesn't really stand. And even if it did stand then its not my fault that the responses you got weren't what you were after. I can only go by what you type, i can't assume that you mean something other than what you type just because English isn't your first language. But i can ask for clarification when i am doubtful about the question and if its what you actually meant. Thats what i did.Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
I'm unsure why you have used quotations there but your message in prior posts was quite the oppisite of what you put in quotations. especially as later in this post you accept it to need rephrasing and accept it being your fault.Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
It makes sense, you want a specific answer then ask a specific question, not one that suggests i don't do martial arts - especially when thats not what you wanted to say.Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
Increasingly i am getting the impression that you didn't read the whole post before responding.Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
So you just wrote to that effect, unfortunately i can't read your mind. Again you concede this later in this post.Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
The answer you were looking for is yes to the question you quoted.Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
So why would you write a question that suggests i don't do a particular martial art when i say i am a martial artist? Why not write: What martial art do you study?
Which is why clarification was asked for because the point of your question was not at all apparent in the questions you asked.Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
amazingly enough i did consider the new ones and if you took the time to read the post first you would see that.Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
I don't expect you to guess it yourself but it would be good practice if you actually read the post you were responding to before actually responding. It might save you from talking a load of crap and save everyone else from having to read it. And the point you actually quoted here pertains to the questions you asked previously, they were easily answered by the first post i made in this thread. I can only answer the questions you type not the ones in your head.Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
it was a flawed question, assign fault as you see fit.Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
No, you asked something else which had already been answered by information available previously. You asked after i pressed for clarity.Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
I still want to know why you wanted to know?Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
I write coherent responses to the things they write. People can often not take the time to think about what they are actually saying when typing and when someone else reads it it can just be nonsensical or even offensive. I take the time to respond accurately and articulately as a mark of respect for those i discuss things with and to hopefully encourage others to also write thoughtfully. Its that desire to communicate effectively and surely that makes me write more lengthly responses and use the full potential of the platform available. It is a great platform for weeding out asinine ideas, particularly in debates, as it proves to give an honest reflection of what people have written. Back peddling becomes difficult and you can point to what was and wasn't said, the issue then comes in how people react to having erronous points highlighted. Some just go into denial and refuse to accept that it ever happened and struggle to ignore it by shiffting focus, others accept points raised and learn from them and discussion with people that actually gain from discussion makes them more pleasurable people to discuss things with. Others just type nonsense a lot, that generally doesn't happen here as someone will call people out on it quite early.Originally Posted by xCrucialDudex
I could have responded in a short and unimformative manner to your question but i more lengthly response with more content gives you a better idea of the answer and how it should be taken. This is also why after you became clear on what you wanted to know i answered and included references for you to observe. It took some time to iron out what you were saying but this serves to enable you to communicate more clearly, thats the aim here. I am very happy to discuss martial arts, i have already touched on my thoughts and feelings on martial arts here and would happily do so until everyone was bored silly. I am open to questions but i will question questions if i think they are flawed.