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Thread: New folks

  1. #646
    Taxi Driver Lifestyle_X's Avatar
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    Ok, and that's when you decided to take matter in your own hands and react so unfriendly ?
    I could say the same thing of you. On the internet, you can interpret posts in more than one way. Maybe if the board would offer smilies you would interpret my posts differently.
    And hey, I'm not the one throwing insults at people on internet fora without knowing even the slightest thing about 'em. I don't know what you want to accomplish here, but you're not a really nice guy dude.
    I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

    Z-spot Gaming community
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  2. #647 rodrigo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wez138 View Post
    Not even slightly. But after reading through some of your replies to other posters on this site I've found you to be a tad annoying,was you starved of attention as a small child? Because if your internet persona is anything like your real life personality I wouldn't be in the lest bit surprised no attention was thrown your way. NOW FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE.

    Thank you with knobs on.
    if you were not offended, then dont reply to him with such comments. if you were, there are far better ways to talk to him.

    dude, chill out or get out.
    I draw and this is my siteRodri-GO!
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  3. #648
    Token Canadian mouseman004's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wez138 View Post
    Not even slightly. But after reading through some of your replies to other posters on this site I've found you to be a tad annoying,was you starved of attention as a small child? Because if your internet persona is anything like your real life personality I wouldn't be in the lest bit surprised no attention was thrown your way. NOW FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE.

    Thank you with knobs on.
    After reading this one post, I have found you to be a douche. Nothing he said was annoying or offensive, and he is probably one of the most polite members of this forum, so I don't know threads you were reading. You should probably stop acting so childish.
    Later Days

  4. #649
    Taxi Driver Lifestyle_X's Avatar
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    Wow dude, thanks.
    I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

    Z-spot Gaming community
    No Ego's, no "pwnage", just gaming

  5. #650
    Registered User xNicolasx's Avatar
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    Thumbs up xNICOLASx

    Greatings from Colombia.

    I´m 16

    Bogota, Colombia

    Compromiso 5-4, Billy Club Sandwich, Bane, La coka Nostra, The effort, Minor threat, Youth of today, Gorilla Biscuits, Vietnom, Madball, sick of it all, Set it straight, Suicidal Tendencies.

    Last record i bought was "Hardcore Colombia" by Reaccion en Cadena.

    Both are cool but. Spin Kicks and Two-steps look so warrior

    I whould love to see in a stage:
    Suicidal Tendencies
    Billy club sandwich

  6. #651 rodrigo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xNicolasx View Post
    Greatings from Colombia.

    I´m 16

    Bogota, Colombia

    Compromiso 5-4, Billy Club Sandwich, Bane, La coka Nostra, The effort, Minor threat, Youth of today, Gorilla Biscuits, Vietnom, Madball, sick of it all, Set it straight, Suicidal Tendencies.

    Last record i bought was "Hardcore Colombia" by Reaccion en Cadena.

    Both are cool but. Spin Kicks and Two-steps look so warrior

    I whould love to see in a stage:
    Suicidal Tendencies
    Billy club sandwich
    ea, bienvenido.

    preferably it was what edge bands would you like to see
    I draw and this is my siteRodri-GO!
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  7. #652
    Registered User XDISENGAGEX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wez138 View Post
    When in Rome. Be good to meet you next time we're out at a gig.

    Kiss my dick.
    Right... I only just read this !! When someone joins a site what sort of welcome is this ?
    Lifestyle X....... Im not sure your reply to Wez was that cool. I know wez... He aint straightedge, but took the time to join this site. And maybe to put what you did in your first post to him was not cool. Tbh......even with a smile after what you said, it could be taken quite an uncool thing to say. Yep.....Wez then went on all out war. But maybe if he'd had the chance to post a bit, before having a remark like yours directed at him, he would have taken it a bit easier. Lets all play nice and try and be a bit posi with new people. Thanks .
    Straightedge before you were born !!!

  8. #653
    Taxi Driver Lifestyle_X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XDISENGAGEX View Post
    Right... I only just read this !! When someone joins a site what sort of welcome is this ?
    Lifestyle X....... Im not sure your reply to Wez was that cool. I know wez... He aint straightedge, but took the time to join this site. And maybe to put what you did in your first post to him was not cool. Tbh......even with a smile after what you said, it could be taken quite an uncool thing to say. Yep.....Wez then went on all out war. But maybe if he'd had the chance to post a bit, before having a remark like yours directed at him, he would have taken it a bit easier. Lets all play nice and try and be a bit posi with new people. Thanks .
    I don't wanna put any more energy in this but here it goes.

    It wasn't meant as a bad welcome, nor as a good welcome. It wasn't a welcome at all. And yes I could post a welcome message but that ain't gonna happen after all the shit he called me. That post wasn't meant for him, and it wasn't my intention to diss the guy, he even wasn't offended by it so I don't get it at all. There are more uncool things you can say on a internet board than pointing out that Shane is the biggest drunk ever, like saying that someone has to kiss your dick and all that. He even went on in other forums on this board.. I kinda had it with him.

    Now let's end this chapter, thanks.
    Last edited by Lifestyle_X; 06-13-2010 at 05:50 PM.
    I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

    Z-spot Gaming community
    No Ego's, no "pwnage", just gaming

  9. #654
    Registered User XDISENGAGEX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifestyle_X View Post
    I don't wanna put any more energy in this but here it goes.

    It wasn't meant as a bad welcome, nor as a good welcome. It wasn't a welcome at all. And yes I could post a welcome message but that ain't gonna happen after all the shit he called me. That post wasn't meant for him, and it wasn't my intention to diss the guy, he even wasn't offended by it so I don't get it at all. There are more uncool things you can say on a internet board than pointing out that Shane is the biggest drunk ever, like saying that someone has to kiss your dick and all that. He even went on in other forums on this board.. I kinda had it with him.

    Now let's end this chapter, thanks.
    Kiss my dick !!!!!!! Lol.... :) Nah im kidding. I agree that the subject should end right here. But cos id only just read the post, felt I should comment. I some ppl think the internet gives them the right to say and act however they want. This would not have happened in person. As far as im concerned. We are all cool. Peace.
    Straightedge before you were born !!!

  10. #655
    Mrs Hodges
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    Carlsbad NM

    Smile Hello

    How old are you? 27

    Where are you from? Alabama, but I now live in Carlsbad NM.

    List some bands you are into at the moment. Since I really do not know about this (I am looking for an alternative for the kids in my town) I will just tell you about my self. I am a married mother of 3 with 3 step children. I do the best I can to teach them right from wrong but, in a small town where little girls are getting pregnant as early as 11 and teens are having fishing parties and over dosing, my best may not be good enough. I'm looking for suggestions and information on Straight Edge.

  11. #656
    attilla's greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreat grandhun SgtD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lesliehodges09@yahoo View Post
    How old are you? 27

    Where are you from? Alabama, but I now live in Carlsbad NM.

    List some bands you are into at the moment. Since I really do not know about this (I am looking for an alternative for the kids in my town) I will just tell you about my self. I am a married mother of 3 with 3 step children. I do the best I can to teach them right from wrong but, in a small town where little girls are getting pregnant as early as 11 and teens are having fishing parties and over dosing, my best may not be good enough. I'm looking for suggestions and information on Straight Edge.
    what kind of information are you looking for?

  12. #657
    Mrs Hodges
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    Quote Originally Posted by SgtD View Post
    what kind of information are you looking for?
    I would like to know more of what it is all about. I understand the no drugs and I have heard that a lot of you don't have sex outside of marriage. I dont know if Im looking in the wrong places but I am just not finding a lot about it. I would like to get the kids here interested in it. From what I have read I think it would help our youth here.

  13. #658 rodrigo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lesliehodges09@yahoo View Post
    I would like to know more of what it is all about. I understand the no drugs and I have heard that a lot of you don't have sex outside of marriage. I dont know if Im looking in the wrong places but I am just not finding a lot about it. I would like to get the kids here interested in it. From what I have read I think it would help our youth here.
    well, straight edge is a music derived "sub culture", we're all kids who listen to hardcore music (from bands like Minor Threat, 7 Seconds and Gorilla Biscuits to some new bands that i dont really listen to so i dont know them) and dont do drugs. generally its the sense of building a better place for us and everybody and being aware of what surrounds us. some people say its just being "drug free" but it's the hardcore music what actually tie us all together.

    you should probably listen to the bands i mentioned before and some other ones like Youth of Today and Half The Battle to get a better sense as to what straight edge is. Because it's not something that should be forced on people.
    I draw and this is my siteRodri-GO!
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  14. #659
    Registered User Marion's Avatar
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    First of all, welcome!

    Quote Originally Posted by lesliehodges09@yahoo View Post
    I have heard that a lot of you don't have sex outside of marriage.
    After spending more than a year researching straight edge (and I'm definitely not done with it), I've deduced that only a very small percentage of straight edge kids were against sex before marriage, basically. Except for the more extremist kids, few people do that, I'd say... Straight edge is not a religion and sex is not wrong, but being straight edge means being aware and in control, so, this applies to one's sex life, too. But that's just what I observed myself, so I'm no authority, for sure.

  15. #660
    attilla's greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreat grandhun SgtD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lesliehodges09@yahoo View Post
    I would like to know more of what it is all about. I understand the no drugs and I have heard that a lot of you don't have sex outside of marriage. I dont know if Im looking in the wrong places but I am just not finding a lot about it. I would like to get the kids here interested in it. From what I have read I think it would help our youth here.
    sxe is a music centered youth culture with participants abstaining from mind altering substances.
    Sex doesn't have anything to do with straight edge, and I've yet to meet people who had a mindset you described.
    sxe basically means people who are involved in the hardcore scene and are drug free. that should sum it up

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