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Thread: CM Punk

  1. #16
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xCAMIx
    My mom didn't really do anything but push one, not for me, but because he called her a bitch. They thought I'd run away for some reason, but they backed down.
    you got your mom involved. this is exactly what I'm talking about you not understanding or accepting reality. You did run away and hid behind your mom.

    I listen you fuckhead, I just know how to keep my opinions. You Abortion thread ended, and I still hold my opinion, just less melted down. So, you can blow that "you can't listen" shit to hell. You hardly ever listen when you really think about it.. you barely acknowledge what I say to you, and at least I've changed a little bit. Damn, you think because you own the site that you can just be a fucking asshole and make people submit. Well not me. And I get pretty damn fustrated with alot of people hatin on me, so I don't bother finishing discussions sometime, why? Because I don't have to and it keeps me from giving a fuck. I'm in reality, bucko.
    If you listened, you'd actually learn something, you don't and you demonstrate this by saying shit like "I just know how to keep my opinions." You've repeatedly demonstrated time and time again that you can't admit when you're wrong. This has been pointed out by several people. The thread didn't end, you tucked your tail between your legs and stopped responding when it was illustrated that you were wrong. I don't acknowledge what you say, because if you actually go back and read, everything you've argued about with me has been incorrect and not backed up, so why would I acknowledge it? Why do you think people are "hatin" on you? Because of your fucked up inferiority complex and inability to accept and deal with reality, so you build up this fantasy world where straight edge isn't against drinking and jesus wasn't perfect because that's what it takes for your fucked up little opinions to be right. You don't bother finishing anything because you're a fucked up little retard who would rather live a lie than face the truth, real edge dude!

  2. #17
    Registered User Big_O_is_Stupid's Avatar
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  3. #18
    410, biatch! xCAMIx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big_O_is_Stupid
    When did Fat Bastard from Austin Powers become a part of the wanna be bloods gang?
    You will be different, sometimes you'll feel like an outcast, but you'll never be alone. You will make my strength your own. You will see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father and the father becomes the son.

  4. #19
    410, biatch! xCAMIx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xsecx
    you got your mom involved. this is exactly what I'm talking about you not understanding or accepting reality. You did run away and hid behind your mom.

    If you listened, you'd actually learn something, you don't and you demonstrate this by saying shit like "I just know how to keep my opinions." You've repeatedly demonstrated time and time again that you can't admit when you're wrong. This has been pointed out by several people. The thread didn't end, you tucked your tail between your legs and stopped responding when it was illustrated that you were wrong. I don't acknowledge what you say, because if you actually go back and read, everything you've argued about with me has been incorrect and not backed up, so why would I acknowledge it? Why do you think people are "hatin" on you? Because of your fucked up inferiority complex and inability to accept and deal with reality, so you build up this fantasy world where straight edge isn't against drinking and jesus wasn't perfect because that's what it takes for your fucked up little opinions to be right. You don't bother finishing anything because you're a fucked up little retard who would rather live a lie than face the truth, real edge dude!
    My mom got herself involved. And you weren't around to see anything, so I think you might as well trap it about that situation , because nothing positive seems to come out of your mouth too often lately.
    I'm living no lies. I took time to look into things. And I was wrong here and there, but who's not. Sec's never been wrong? Yeah right. I don't care who you are, what site you own, how long youv'e been in hardcore, bro..not everyone's gonna see things exactly the way you do just becuse youv'e been around longer, etc.
    You will be different, sometimes you'll feel like an outcast, but you'll never be alone. You will make my strength your own. You will see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father and the father becomes the son.

  5. #20
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xCAMIx
    My mom got herself involved. And you weren't around to see anything, so I think you might as well trap it about that situation , because nothing positive seems to come out of your mouth too often lately.
    gee, the big tough don't back down guy sure is getting defensive of his mom fighting his battle's huh?

    I'm living no lies. I took time to look into things. And I was wrong here and there, but who's not. Sec's never been wrong? Yeah right. I don't care who you are, what site you own, how long youv'e been in hardcore, bro..not everyone's gonna see things exactly the way you do just becuse youv'e been around longer, etc.
    Where have you said you're wrong? Where have you admitted that you're wrong and what you've been wrong about? Sweet jesus you can't even come to terms and admit it. I like how you still haven't accepted reality and turn this into another lame attempt to talk about how you don't care about me, but right after saying you're wrong about things? what's up napoleon? do you walk around with your hand in your shirt too? Is anything you live true? Or do you have this whole fantasy world built up in your head where you're smart, well read, think before you speak and don't have an inferiority complex that makes it so you have to present this bullshit image?

  6. #21
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    i am a pro wrestler and i think his gimmick is great its something that hasnt been done in wrestling yet.

  7. #22
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andies Addiction sXe
    i am a pro wrestler and i think his gimmick is great its something that hasnt been done in wrestling yet.
    How do you feel about its effect on straightedge as a whole? Do you feel that him using it as a gimmick in this way will actively aid in making straightedge less unique? do you think he gives the immpression that hardcore is not an integral part of what makes up straightedge? Do you really think it should be used as a gimmick?

    Whats your prowrestling gimmick?
    Others walk the bow, I walk the string

  8. #23
    Duchess of Adventures xvunderx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andies Addiction sXe
    i am a pro wrestler and i think his gimmick is great its something that hasnt been done in wrestling yet.
    What does pro-wrestling have to do with sXe?

    I believe that what he is doing cheapens the scene, I also feel he is exploiting the people who have made this scene great to further his own career.

    This is how the mainstream has killed off pretty much all subcultures, it saddens me to see him selling every one involved in Edge down the stream for a couple of bucks and his 15 minutes of fame.

  9. #24
    Token Canadian mouseman004's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xvunderx
    What does pro-wrestling have to do with sXe?

    I believe that what he is doing cheapens the scene, I also feel he is exploiting the people who have made this scene great to further his own career.

    This is how the mainstream has killed off pretty much all subcultures, it saddens me to see him selling every one involved in Edge down the stream for a couple of bucks and his 15 minutes of fame.

    It's not that pro wrestling has anything to do with sxe, its more that the majority of professional wrestlers use steriods or other performance enhancing drugs, so CM punk is getting out the fact that he wrestle's with all these guys without doing any of those drugs. I don't necessarily agree with him using it as a gimmick, but I think its cool that there is a wrestler out there who isnt jacked up on some sort of drug all the time.
    Later Days

  10. #25
    Token Canadian mouseman004's Avatar
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    Maybe we are reading too much into this. Maybe he is not using it as a gimmick to give him money, maybe he is just making it clear that he is straight edge because he is proud of it. I don't think claiming edge as a gimmick would gain him any money or fame because realistically, most of the demographic he is reaching out to, would not even know what straight edge is until after they see him. They wouldn't say "hey hes straight edge, lets buy his shit". Maybe he makes it clear hes edge because he is proud of it and wants people to know.
    Later Days

  11. #26
    Duchess of Adventures xvunderx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mouseman004
    It's not that pro wrestling has anything to do with sxe, its more that the majority of professional wrestlers use steriods or other performance enhancing drugs, so CM punk is getting out the fact that he wrestle's with all these guys without doing any of those drugs. I don't necessarily agree with him using it as a gimmick, but I think its cool that there is a wrestler out there who isnt jacked up on some sort of drug all the time.
    Then why not just be a drug free wrestler?

  12. #27
    Duchess of Adventures xvunderx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mouseman004
    Maybe we are reading too much into this. Maybe he is not using it as a gimmick to give him money, maybe he is just making it clear that he is straight edge because he is proud of it. I don't think claiming edge as a gimmick would gain him any money or fame because realistically, most of the demographic he is reaching out to, would not even know what straight edge is until after they see him. They wouldn't say "hey hes straight edge, lets buy his shit". Maybe he makes it clear hes edge because he is proud of it and wants people to know.
    Yeah but it's a character, he might be sXe, but the story lines etc around it and the "I'm sXe so I'm better than you" stuff has nothing to do with a personal choice and everything to do with setting himself apart from other wrestlers, and thus making himself more successful.

    Being sXe gives him story line opportunities and match up, this gives him more fame and money, as well as memorability. It's marketing.

  13. #28
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mouseman004
    Maybe we are reading too much into this. Maybe he is not using it as a gimmick to give him money, maybe he is just making it clear that he is straight edge because he is proud of it. I don't think claiming edge as a gimmick would gain him any money or fame because realistically, most of the demographic he is reaching out to, would not even know what straight edge is until after they see him. They wouldn't say "hey hes straight edge, lets buy his shit". Maybe he makes it clear hes edge because he is proud of it and wants people to know.
    But he is using it as a gimmick, his own site even says "Punk is famous for his "Straight Edge" gimmick" its not really relative to wrestling and is used to highlight himself as quite different. He uses it to have an identity or character people can buy into, wrestlers that are straightforward wrestlers with no gimmick don't get remembered and thus don't stick around and make money. Wrestling is full of gimmicks and regardless if he is proud of it he is still using it to be a gimmick and it doesn't show pride of where it all comes from. His site gives a quick mention tominor threat but it pails in comparison to the amount of kids that are going to end up picking up the term and misusing it. He says what you see in the world of him wrestling is exactly how he is but its a bullshit statement, for one wrestleng is all dramatised and two, if he is like that and thats how he supports straight edge - well thats dumb - wanna show how much straightedge means then go to shows, support bands etc. don't just use it as a marketable tool. And unfortunately the demographic he is aimed at is also subject to aim from other sources, for instance hot topic, that give a diluted immpression of straightedge. I mean hot topic love to jump on shit like this and if you look at the number of kids that seem to be enjoying CM punk and end up coming to this site with that as their only knowledge of sxe then you will see that the demogaphic is immpressionable enough to want to buy into the idea. Now imagine hot topic want to bring CM punk merchandise into their stores to further market their approach to straightedge marketing which tends to not support or really encompass the community of hardcore. Its manipulation of a youth market and it all leads to kids taking straightedge out of hardcore and watering down the term straightedge. Kids identify with cm punk, thats fine but cm punk is giving them the idea that hardcore isn't a vital element of straightedge and what it consists of is simply not drinking, smoking or doing drugs - generally giving a disregard to hardcore. And we end up seeing what happens a lot on the internet, kids using a term to describe themselves before they fully understand it. Often they will find that there is more to what they have been calling themselves but a lot of the time they don't really get into the hardcore side of things and what is really unfortunate is that by this time they don't want to let go of their shiny new self describing label, even if it doesn't reflect them correctly. So then we end up with straightedge becoming open to all sorts of interpretation along with a commercial force deciding how they can best utilise this marketable tool to best cash in. This is pretty much how loads of other subcultures ate themselves and became less dynamic and at worst meaningless or little more than a cyclic fashion fad to reinvent. Kids will be using a hardcore term and not support hardcore at all, it happens too often as it is. All this from a wrestler using it as a gimmick, not all down to him but he is part of the problem, hardcore and straightedge isn't about huge corperations, people have worked hard and struggled to create a underground community away from all that, its a major driving point of the whole movement and it shouldn't be forgotten that that is what its about. Its not for sale.
    Others walk the bow, I walk the string

  14. #29
    xXx One Sick Puppy xXx stepinsideissue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xCAMIx
    When did Fat Bastard from Austin Powers become a part of the wanna be bloods gang?

    For some one who says keep it posi all the time way to be a hypocrite.
    This so called shit is what I live for. It's why I'm alive. I'll never smother the fire forever burning inside.

    I'm at the point where I'm sucked in. By the message I get this passion.

    The fury is mine. It keeps me alive. I can't breathe till I release what's inside.

  15. #30
    Registered User Tex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by straightXed
    But he is using it as a gimmick, his own site even says "Punk is famous for his "Straight Edge" gimmick" its not really relative to wrestling and is used to highlight himself as quite different. He uses it to have an identity or character people can buy into, wrestlers that are straightforward wrestlers with no gimmick don't get remembered and thus don't stick around and make money. Wrestling is full of gimmicks and regardless if he is proud of it he is still using it to be a gimmick and it doesn't show pride of where it all comes from. His site gives a quick mention tominor threat but it pails in comparison to the amount of kids that are going to end up picking up the term and misusing it. He says what you see in the world of him wrestling is exactly how he is but its a bullshit statement, for one wrestleng is all dramatised and two, if he is like that and thats how he supports straight edge - well thats dumb - wanna show how much straightedge means then go to shows, support bands etc. don't just use it as a marketable tool. And unfortunately the demographic he is aimed at is also subject to aim from other sources, for instance hot topic, that give a diluted immpression of straightedge. I mean hot topic love to jump on shit like this and if you look at the number of kids that seem to be enjoying CM punk and end up coming to this site with that as their only knowledge of sxe then you will see that the demogaphic is immpressionable enough to want to buy into the idea. Now imagine hot topic want to bring CM punk merchandise into their stores to further market their approach to straightedge marketing which tends to not support or really encompass the community of hardcore. Its manipulation of a youth market and it all leads to kids taking straightedge out of hardcore and watering down the term straightedge. Kids identify with cm punk, thats fine but cm punk is giving them the idea that hardcore isn't a vital element of straightedge and what it consists of is simply not drinking, smoking or doing drugs - generally giving a disregard to hardcore. And we end up seeing what happens a lot on the internet, kids using a term to describe themselves before they fully understand it. Often they will find that there is more to what they have been calling themselves but a lot of the time they don't really get into the hardcore side of things and what is really unfortunate is that by this time they don't want to let go of their shiny new self describing label, even if it doesn't reflect them correctly. So then we end up with straightedge becoming open to all sorts of interpretation along with a commercial force deciding how they can best utilise this marketable tool to best cash in. This is pretty much how loads of other subcultures ate themselves and became less dynamic and at worst meaningless or little more than a cyclic fashion fad to reinvent. Kids will be using a hardcore term and not support hardcore at all, it happens too often as it is. All this from a wrestler using it as a gimmick, not all down to him but he is part of the problem, hardcore and straightedge isn't about huge corperations, people have worked hard and struggled to create a underground community away from all that, its a major driving point of the whole movement and it shouldn't be forgotten that that is what its about. Its not for sale.

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