If it was part of your livlihood to do so and that was a very prosperous livlihood, why wouldn't you? But that isn't what i was saying, i was saying that i feel he is way more passionate about wrestling and having a wrestling gimmick/persona than he is about the actual longevity and integrity of the straightedge hardcore scene. His actions do somewhat reflect that.
On another note, I have to say it is kind of laughable that the idea of punk and wrestling entertainment are being fused together and alarm bells don't ring in peoples heads? I think thats a clear sign to anyone who wasn't entire sure or caught up...that punk is dead.
Others walk the bow, I walk the string
Honestly? I don't care one way or the other.
I doubt very much that anyone takes an absolute asshole like CM Punk seriously. He's often called out as one of the guys who doesn't care about his fans and the one that is just a jackass backstage. At the end of the day my decison to be Straight Edge wasn't one I made after watching WWE for a few weeks and certainly wasn't influenced by CM Punk, it was made because I'm positive that my parents smoke and drink enough for me as well. Whether or not he uses it as a gimmick or whatever is his decision to make. How he chooses to use a legitimate lifestyle isn't what I'd advocate but and it's certainly not the way I'd want to let people know about it but if he's OK with it then it's on him.
Well thats all well and good until you are faced with the ramifications of his actions, which can and do influence people and also can give less legitimate ideas of what straightedge and hardcore are really about. Its quite clear in this thread that people do take him seriously so your doubt is already called into question. But the fact that you don't care about that is a little sad really, i can tell you that most people here do care about it and are here actively promoting what straightedge and hardcore are really about and it really is a worthwhile thing in my eyes.
I am in no way discussing the legitimacy of his lifestyle or why you chose to become straightedge but rather the fact that using it as a gimmick, which he clearly does, should be spoken out about. You say you don't advocate it and thats great but why are you ok with it. Is it because you don't see any potential problem with it? How about the idea of straightedge being removed from hardcore and adopted as something known to wrestling fans without any understanding of its true meaning and p,lace within the hardcore scene. How about the idea that i would lose definition and meaning and become a marketable fad much the same as the idea of punk did? personally treasure the hard work and efforts put in by all the hardcore kids over the years to keep straightedge as something special and unique to hardcore and i care enough to speak out on that. I am hoping this post will inspire you to see where i and others on here are comming from as its really worth looking at things this way.
Others walk the bow, I walk the string
i really don't know anything about this guy but i can't stand pro wrestling and to be honest i can't see how anyone can really enjoy it! does this guy promote sxe? i don't want to be represented by a pro wrestler but thats just me! i think the possibility of it being associated with pro wrestling is quite scary because the fans of pro wrestling do dumb shit like hold their own wrestling matches in their backyards and shit and break their necks hahahaha
My support has no conditions, I will always have your back.
I am pretty sure that is not true. He is generally pretty active in the hardcore scene, and he has been "the straight edge superstar" since his amatuer wrestling days before the WWE, so I think that he really does support it. I just think its stupid to use as a wrestling gimmick.
Later Days
Haha I enjoy professional wrestling every once and a while. I don't watch it because I think it is real and I actually care who wins or loses matches. Its just entertaining to watch every once and a while and I respect the athleticism of the wrestlers (the ones who aren't ripped on steroids).
And the guy tries to promote straight edge in wrestling. His nickname is "the straight edge superstar" and he X's up before every fight. It's pretty lame.
Later Days
A little bit, but it's like a big soap opera! It's incredibly addictive!
StraightXed, I think we'll have to agree to disagree. While I see your point, I can't see the effect you think it would have. CM Punk was probably asked to show Straight Edge to the public so it's more than likely that it is a stipulation in his contract, but I still think people who might be considering becoming Straight Edge would have the good sense to research the entire concept first.
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