how is it a misleading phrase when straight edge was fundamental to the creation of hardcore and you can't talk about straight edge without talking about hardcore?Originally Posted by NorskVegan
how is it a misleading phrase when straight edge was fundamental to the creation of hardcore and you can't talk about straight edge without talking about hardcore?Originally Posted by NorskVegan
Originally Posted by NorskVegan
I don't think its that misleading, if you follow the whole argument.
Others walk the bow, I walk the string
You have to forgive me because I'm still learning about straight edge. I was under the impression that straight edge grew out of the existing hardcore scene. I thought that hardcore was, and straight edge became (assisting in the evolution of hardcore itself as time grew on.) The way I was looking at it, obviously you can't talk about sXe without mentioning hardcore because it doesn't exist independently of hardcore, but there are many hardcore bands that are atleast not openly straight edge, right? I think it's misleading because if straight edge is hardcore, then surely hardcore must be straight edge.Originally Posted by xsecx
straight edge and hardcore came out of an existing punk scene, but a good number of the first hardcore bands were straight edge and straight edge was extremely instrumental to the foundation and spread of hardcore.Originally Posted by NorskVegan
there are a bunch of bands that aren't straight edge, however if you're going to talk about hardcore you can't really do it completely without mentioning straight edge.
With the movement so attached to a genre of music, how can it grow?
In addition to accepting the ideals, new straight-edgers have to listen to hxc?
How can you reach out to the world like that? I understand that it originated with hardcore but that doesn't mean it couldn't spread to country, hip-hop, and other forms of rock.
Not that those genres don't have positive messages, but they aren't as militant as straight-edge...
Why does it need to grow outside of hardcore? If it did spread to country or hiphop or other forms of rock that'd be awesome, but it would also be something new and not straight edge.Originally Posted by SteelKain
oh I understand what you're saying.
Here's one I havn't seen at all here, and I've read through pretty much every post so far.
Everyone here is trying to compare two completely different things. For example...
Hardcore is a genre. Straight Edge is a lifestyle within that genre. You can't compare the music to the lifestlye! The lifestyle only exists because of the music. Hardcore has a reputation for people who do drugs, drink, smoke, and whatever. And Straight Edge is the same thing, the same music, the same scene, minus the drugs. However, drugs exist in any music scene! Therefore, would it not be far to also call a rocker, a metalhead, or a goth Straight Edge as well? The principal is exactly the same. But what you're hearing at shows is different.
"Straight Edge is Hardcore." BULLSHIT. Straight Edge is music. Do we hate the other genres so much we cannot include them with our lifestyle? It should be open to everyone! You are not Straight Edge because of Hardcore. You are Straight Edge because of yourself. Your own personal choices. Your own commitments. And the ownly reason you got there in the first place was because of the music, whether it be hardcore, punk, metal, emo, screamo, anything.
Open up a few more doors in your mind.
If, say, metal was the basis for Straight Edge and not hardcore, we would all be here saying the exact same thing from the metal side of things.
Last edited by X-Over-O; 01-31-2007 at 10:31 PM.
I really dont agree with your post, how many do you know that chose straight edge from listening to metal music? I was under the impression that most metal bands promoted drug and alcohol abuse. Straight Edge comes from hardcore, was born in hardcore and will always be hardcore.
No I dont believe you can be Straight Edge if you dont love hardcore, its part of being edge, its your positive outlet. Sure styles have changed a bit, its not quite the straight up hardcore anymore that straight edge bands are playing, but it comes out of hardcore.
As many people have said before, if your not a part of hardcore you are drug free, not straight edge.
I have seen a rare post or two claiming that you are not Straight Edge if there is no Straight Edge scene around. How can this be so? Straight Edge only exists in the presense of hardcore... It cannot exist on it's own. Without it's running foundations, what would it become? It's stupid to seperate two kinds of music literally the same purely because one is drug free and the other is not and the messages they carry. Therefore, would it not be sensible to agree that you can be Straight Edge regardless if that particular scene is present or not, as long as you still actively participate in the Hardcore scene.
On another note...
What do these scenes look like, in the terms of personal appearance. Is there any strict rule saying you cannot wear this or look like this but you have to wear this and look like this if you want to be "true" and not another wannabe or poser.
where is there a hardcore scene devoid of edge kids and never has edge bands play?This statement also contradicts your earlier post?Originally Posted by X-Over-O
this is true of any scene. everything has trends.On another note...
What do these scenes look like, in the terms of personal appearance. Is there any strict rule saying you cannot wear this or look like this but you have to wear this and look like this if you want to be "true" and not another wannabe or poser.
I am saying this because of where I come from. The scene is tiny, and by scene I mean metal, hardcore, punk, emo, sceamo. I said this somewhere earlier as well.
No one here is edge. The people are so drug ducked it's not funny. That is why I take so much pride in being edge. At almost every hardcore show I go to, I'm offered a hit of coke or some free booze. People even have the guts to throw around ecstasy. I get dissed for being edge... Not that it stirs my opinions at all.
And yes, I am aware that my last post contradicts my earlier one. I am simpy trying to get my point across from a range of different views for the goal of ultimate understanding when I'm done.
As for the trend thing...
What is our trend? Do we have anything specific? Forgive me if sound naive but this relates to the fact I mentioned earlier about my local scene.
Last edited by X-Over-O; 02-01-2007 at 03:54 PM.
What point across though? It's not clear what you're trying to say.Originally Posted by X-Over-O
I can't tell you what trends are in your scene as it's literally half a world away. Do you think there aren't any?As for the trend thing...
What is our trend? Do we have anything specific? Forgive me if sound naive but this relates to the fact I mentioned earlier about my local scene.
I still dont understand what you're trying to say, I am from Queensland as well by the way. What two kinds of music are you talking about, we never really got to pick up on that as you listed a few. Maybe list some bands and the genre you think they fall under and their straight edge messages/references. Also you say you get offered coke and ectasy and get dissed for being edge at hardcore shows? Where the fuck do you live man... anyone doing that round here would get whats coming to them.Originally Posted by X-Over-O
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