Well its been a while since I was on this site but im glad to be back for those who came when I left my name is anthony im 22 from nyc and addicted to comics and x sports (skateboarding surfing...
Type: Posts; User: xionseeker88x
Well its been a while since I was on this site but im glad to be back for those who came when I left my name is anthony im 22 from nyc and addicted to comics and x sports (skateboarding surfing...
I rember after 9 11 everyone was together and everything was all red white and blue because the fear and panic were still there and now it seems like ppl don't even rember how it was post 9 11 its...
Im not sure when the playoffs start I think atb the end of september but ur best bet would be to catch a game in dc the washingtion nats will more then likely be out of the playoff race as opposed to...
My fault I didn't word myself right I ment to say that I jus seems that ppl these days could care less about stuff like this and more about who zac effron is dating...until it happens in there neck...
This shit is insane the sad thing is that if it dosent go down in the good ol u s of a then its not a real issue oh but wtf paris hiltions panties look like is? God I hate the media!
Cutting is just no good bro but I think u can claim edge it seems like every one these days has there own take on what it takes to claim edge I had ppl tell me im not bc I have tattoos and that's...
Awww man I tryed to flip once I fucked up my head real bad! I like landed face first thank god it was a floor wit a soft rug
It seems that this summer won't be as big as summers of the past as far as movies go but I deff want to see transformers 2 and drag me to hell as well
Yeah man jus let her make her choice I know it hurts to see a friend in pain like that but be strong not only for u but for her as well chances are she is losing the will to fight so ur gonna need to...
Bro its real hard man I had this one friend who was good when she was young but when she turned 18 she did a lot of speed and x she would call me late at night telling me that she woke up at a random...
So what movie are u guys the most amped to see? For me it has to be transformers revenge of the fallen (mainly bc I saw termanitor salvation and that was the main movie I wanted to see) but what...
Skin has nothing to do wit it my best friend is edge and he's black and im spanish race has no issue in this its all about how u live ur life
Racist ppl that are in edge or jus regular racist ppl are losers I can't understand how u can hate someone for there skin tone it makes no damn sense
Ok I just claimed edge like a few weeks ago and I will be the first to say it aint easy...im so use to starting my day wit a cig and smoking a pack in a day and throwing my weekends away on drugs and...
Does any one know any good hardcore venues in nyc? I went to the kitting factory last week but it was more of emo bands playing there and uptown is few and far apart with clubs that play any type of...