I was reading this article about hospices for alcoholics, where they are allowed to drink and die and that is the end of their life.
It made me...
Type: Posts; User: funwithpinetrees
I was reading this article about hospices for alcoholics, where they are allowed to drink and die and that is the end of their life.
It made me...
What kind of plate was it
I have a set of plates at my house and the edge of one is chipped. It looks like the rest, but when you hold it you can get scratched
if you be my body guard
I will be your long lost pal
this is what paul simon said and he wa a fucking G
while you are away
My heart comes undone
slowly unravels
like a ball of yarn
the devil collects it
and with a grin he'll never return it
YO i hate shakespears and i hate julius caeser. il...
Man, I am so disillusioned witht his whole fucking One poverty project. I am so tired of everything bono and coldplay care about. these little petty things that don't do anything. this idea that...
The internet blows my mind
it is all over the world.
my new years resolutions is to never be bored and to drink more
I always don't want to drink anything because i hate peeing. I think it is obnoxious. but i am going to put that aside and drink a...
animal testing, I don't really have too much of a problem with it, though i maybe I should.
I don't know much about what people think.
Sometimes people ask redundant questions about straight...
Does anyone ever have this problem? I have this paper to do, but I am not into it and I get distracted for many minutes on everything. I really just want the paper to be done, but I have to do it...
One time I was excited to read a National Geographic article on the Coast of Catalonia. Too bad it was actually about the Coast of Catalonia. Boy was I confused!
ultimate guitar
I don't remember any of the things you guys remember
Can I have a crash course on the history of this website. Also
like whoa yo got married in december
that is cool (in the northern hemisphere)...
so i just read something interesting about Fred Phelps. His mother died of throat cancer when he was five, he aunt died in a car accident also when he was young.
That is interesting
There are few things the Swiss can agree on. But one thing that seems to happen is that they have banned minarets.
It really perplexes me and makes me feel uncomfortable.
If it were like a ban...
This groups comes up frequently in various groups of people. To me, however they are not an issue, or anything that is really important. The WBC is a group that is composed of about 70 people who are...
i want to give them a hug
punk dating sites.
they exist
what are your thoughts?
Do they have good intentions?
I don't know if they do.
it is good to give individual attention to questions, but this is a general thing in my opinion that can help with the whole "does this mean I can't be straight edge?" type of questions.
Here is something I want to say in general, and since this is the commentary section, I feel like doing it.
I just am beginning to realize that I don't like it when other people tell me what i...
In my experience I have found that lots of times people who are Straight Edge want to become, or are police officers.
Today I was thinking about being a police officer. It is rather whimsical,...
Oh my
Well I don't find it to be an issue at all.
So I do it.
That is cool. Right now I am in an elementary education class, but I want to go into secondary teaching.
I currently have to write a paper about an article called Life in the Classroom by Phillip...
I am sort of excited about this game
But I also just figured out that Arkham Asylum has been a reference to Lovecraft and that is cool, i guess
what specifically is absurd about it?
Shana Tova