Yes, way greater!
Being nearly 22 and having a very strong personality/opinion and everything, I never (or nearly ever) feel peer pressured at all, in France... but here, it's incredible. If I feel...
Type: Posts; User: Marion
Yes, way greater!
Being nearly 22 and having a very strong personality/opinion and everything, I never (or nearly ever) feel peer pressured at all, in France... but here, it's incredible. If I feel...
I love being a student in the US. I've been here for a bit over a month, and it's just awesome! College life is amazing - except for the drinking peer-pressure part (cf hate thread haha)
I hate that peer-pressure for drinking is even worse than I had thought, in an American college. I hate that everybody thinks they need alcohol to have fun at parties.
Please, tell me it's a joke (?)
Is it supposed to be sjkatedboarding for lazy people?
In here, clearly!
In cities, the bus systems seem quite efficient, at least, but the general transportation system seems to be just way more spread around Europe!
Sounds like fun!
The thing is, I'm stuck in this tiny campus-town with no bus or train or anything, except for 1 shuttle on friday and one on sunday to the closest "city" (Harrisburg)... So, I kinda...
Haha, maybe... Ross Haenfler probably said that for his Phd thesis, though
Hello, people!
I have been completely deserting the board, because I was super busy as I have just arrived to the US, to study in Pennsylvania. Sorry for not coming more often! I hope everyone's...
Haha :)
And yes they are very, very ugly.
Nope, 12. You know, like you're in 7th grade and some kid in your class asks you to be your boyfriend lol. Cute stuff, not like grown-up dating, of course.
I love that I had the best new year's eve ever :)
Some people were drunk, but not too much and everybody there was really cool. And one or two other people there were sober, too.
I love that, after...
Wow! This is the cutest thing ever :)
real good job! And very cool! love it.
Haha. Hopefully, I'm gonna be one of them as soon as I finish being a slave to my studies. :)
Let's trade hemispheres! :) haha
I hate that I have to work while everyone's on vacation. It's kinda like when it's summer time. Everyone's saying "well, you're not on vacation now, but either...
You know some really odd people. 30 years old on this site are super nice. :)
You're welcome! I like your idea of clearly knowing what straight edge is before claiming ;) I did the same thing.
Ask if you have other questions! Me or anyone else will be glad to answer them, I'm...
Yes indeed, very interesting! In less than 20min, he deals with probably all of the topics I've been thinking about concerning what's wrong with the catholic church. He addresses all the reasons why...
All the militancy stuffs/violence is way over-represented (because that's "newsworthy"). That was mostly the theme of my thesis of last year. Most straight edge kids reject those stuffs.
As far as...
neither am I. We only had a few snowflakes, though, today. and it was the very first snowy day, although most of France has had quite a lot of snow, lately.
They tried. But then they killed Sarah Connor, and so we're all doomed. We're fucked!
It does look like a cell phone! awesome :) I hope she/he's a time traveller
Because I work, yes. The years before now, while I was just working on vacations, I did not have the bonus because I hadn't worked enough. But now i do because I work a lot more.
Students who work a...
Haha, yeah indeed... It's like when we compare our left-wing and right-wing parties to, say, the American parties, we feel like our right-wing is more or less alike to the democrats, for some issues,...
I was talking on this same board on how I had to work to pay for my semester abroad... and something came to my mind. I don't want to talk about France's whole tax paying/raising system, because I...