haha..did u guys miss me? lol
Type: Posts; User: angelchickjb
haha..did u guys miss me? lol
I really really want to go to ANY show...my mom wont let me go to ANY...any advice?
or do you know of ANY shows in or near corona cali?
People I know think that i think im better than them becuz i say im sxe...i sooo dont think like that though...people i guess get tired of me saying it all the time...fuck em though!!!
You guys are all NERDS!!!
just kidding...i like reading anything by Nicholas Sparks
Hey im making my own record label...need some bands to get started...message me for more info...thanks!!!
I wanna know so I can download songs by unsigned bands.
...I guess thats like a hobbie of mine
So fuckin true!!!
Some people at my school think I'm like a poser or something because they think I'm acting like I like harcore music. They think just because I'm black I only listen to rap but I actually hate rap...
The only good thing about that movie was that one song by Rob Zombie.
I agree that it is more like a documentary but I believe it is an accurate rep of an addicts life the people do work and have a life. Just because they are famous doesn't mean they aren't human.
Awww! That is sooo sweet! We are officially dating now! LOL
That was actually a test to see if you guys are smart
The winner is...Dusty! Yay!
Because it would make you even more dehydrated!
You win!
Obama and biden 08!!!
That is so stupid!
They should be putting druggies on a gang list!
If you were in the Sahara Desert and was dying of thirst and had to drink a beer or die what would you do?
(Please don't say somthing like "Why am I in the desert?" or "Why would I have a beer" Just...
Minor threat is really good!
I posted about CM Punk...didn't know you did too sorry.
What do you guys think about him? (If you don't know he is a straight edge wrestler)
I think he is soo cool.(And HOT!)
It's hard for me to find a straight edge guy. I want to find one on here maybe?
I really want to go to a show with my brother but I want my first show experience to be a good one so what shows are good?
I totally agree with Joey, if you are Straight Edge you wouldn't doubt getting the tat because you wouldn't want a beer in the first place.
(Can't wait til' I get my 1st tat)