Conversation Between ePOWsa and xKINGx

7 Visitor Messages

  1. hey. i kinda got grounded, so i cant get on UG for the time being, ut I can still get on here at school. just thought id let you know. XD
  2. nm. rained like crazy today and i had to walk through a near-flood in my Chucks!
  3. bored we had a retreat at school. but otherwise good. whats going on with you?
  4. yeah. they blocked it because the computer people at Arab are a bunch of fun stealing Nazis. so how are you?
  5. that sucks that ug doesnt work at you school. it works at mine but i dont really get to use the computers. feel free to comment on here though i check it everyday and i love to talk :)
  6. hey. UG's blocked at school, so I'll be on here till I get home.
  7. hey. it's jeremy XD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7